Congenital Dengue and Myocarditis

Richa Sharma, Natwar Parwal, Nirmal Kumar, Jacob M. Puliyel
2012 Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice  
We report a newborn with congenital dengue infection and cardiomyopathy. Congenital dengue is known to occur owing to vertical transmission of the virus from an infected mother to her baby through the placenta. Dengue-related cardiomyopathy has been reported previously. This is arguably the first time cardiomyopathy is being reported in the context of congenital dengue. A systematic review of literature on congenital dengue as cited in Pubmed is also presented.
doi:10.1097/ipc.0b013e3182424320 fatcat:sntgmob2vvax5boma63fh3dqzu