An Action Research for Developing Critical Thinking Skills of History Teacher Candidates
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Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi
Öz Günümüz dünyasında bireylerin bilinçli düşünürler olmak için sahip olmaları gereken en önemli niteliklerden biri eleştirel düşünebilmeleridir. Ancak eleştirel düşünebilen bireyler yetiştirebilmek için öncelikle eleştirel düşünebilen öğretmenlere gereksinim vardır. Bu gerçekten hareketle bu çalışmada tarih öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel düşünme becerilerinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada eylem araştırması yöntemi işe koşulmuştur. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 12 son sınıf tarih
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... tmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Tarih öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel düşünme becerilerinin geliştirilmesi için birinci el tarihi kaynakların eleştirel analizine odaklanan bir uygulama gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama araçları anket formu ve birinci el tarihi kaynak analizi rubriğinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın sonucunda tarih öğretmen adaylarının tarih öğretiminde eleştirel düşünme becerilerinin gerekliliği ve eleştirel düşünceyi kullanmanın öğrencilere sağlayacağı kazanımlar konusunda daha bilinçli hale geldikleri görülmüştür. Ayrıca birinci el tarihi kaynakları eleştirel değerlendirme konusundaki yeterlik algıları da eğitim sonrasında olumlu yönde önemli bir değişim göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte eğitim sonrasında katılımcıların birinci el tarihi kaynakları eğitim öncesine göre çok daha farklı yönlerden eleştirel biçimde sorgulayabildikleri ve analiz edebildikleri tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tarih öğretmen adayları, eleştirel düşünme, birinci el tarihi kaynaklar Abstract In today's world, one of the most important qualifications that individuals should have to be conscious thinkers is to be able to think critically. However, in order to be able to cultivate individuals who can think critically, firstly the teachers who can think critically are needed. So, the aim of this study is to develop critical thinking skills of history teacher candidates. In this research, the method of action research is conducted. The participants of the research are composed of 12 final grade history teacher candidates. To develop the critical thinking skills of history teacher candidates an education focusing on the critical analysis of first hand historical resources was performed. Data collection tools were a questionnaire form and first hand historical resource analysis rubric. As a result of the research, history teacher candidates have become more conscious of the necessity of critical thinking skills in history teaching and on the benefits of critical thinking for students. In addition, the competency perceptions of the participants on the critical analysis of first hand historical resources also showed a significant change in the positive direction after the education process. In addition, it has been found that after the education the participants can critically question and analyze the first hand historical resources from much different perspectives than before the education. One of the most critical lessons in the development of students' critical thinking skills is history. In order for history teachers to be able to conduct activities to improve students' critical thinking skills in their classroom, firstly they must be able to think critically and know how to teach it. In history lessons, studies focusing on the analysis of first-hand historical resources are important activities for the development of critical thinking skills. Due to this fact, in this research, it was aimed to determine and develop the perceptions of history teacher candidates about their critical thinking skills and their ability to question and analyze first hand historical resources critically. Method: In this research, the method of action research which focuses on the development of the existing situation is conducted. The participants of the research are composed of 12 final grade history teacher candidates who attend to faculty of education of a university in the west of Turkey in fall semester of 2017-2018 academic year. To develop the critical thinking skills of history teacher candidates an education focusing on the critical analysis of first hand historical resources was performed. The education process lasted 8 weeks. The study includes a training process consisting of preparation, implementation and evaluation steps. In the research, one of the data collection tools is a questionnaire form which aims to execute the participants' perceptions of critical thinking in history teaching and their competency in critical analysis of first hand historical resources. The questionnaire includes 4 open-ended questions. The other data collection tool is the first hand historical resource analysis rubric which is used to demonstrate how the participants' ability to critically questioning and analyzing historical resources changed before and after the training. The rubric is based on a 12-item document identification form for critical review of first hand resources which was developed by Craver (1999). Content analysis was used in the analysis of the questionnaire data and descriptive analysis was used in the analysis of the data obtained from the rubric. Discussion and Conclusion: As a result of the research, history teacher candidates have become more conscious of the necessity of critical thinking skills in history teaching and on the benefits of critical thinking for students. In addition, the competency perceptions of the participants on the critical analysis of first hand historical resources also showed a significant change in the positive direction after the education process. Before training 10 of the 12 participants stated that they feel themselves inadequate in this regard, yet after the training 9 of the 12 participants said that they feel themselves adequate. However, it has been found that after the education the participants can critically question the first hand historical resources from much different perspectives than before the education. The rate at which participants could question all of the criteria set for critical questioning after the training increased significantly. In addition, after training there was also a significant increase in the rate of participants who can critically analyze the first hand historic resources. In this context, it was seen that more than half of the participants gave sufficient responses in 10 of the 12 criteria identified for critical analysis. This result shows that the training has achieved its purpose substantially. As the result of research shows the benefits of using first hand historical resources on development of history teacher candidates' critical thinking skills, similar studies with first hand historic resources should be increased in the courses in history teacher training programs. Particularly in the scope of research assignments, it should be ensured that activities such as the selection and use of first hand historic resources are provided. Taking initiatives in this sense is thought to be beneficial in improving teacher candidates' critical thinking skills.