Symmetry and repetition in perspective

Gert van der Vloed, Árpád Csathó, Peter A. van der Helm
2005 Acta Psychologica  
Although ecologically relevant, perspective views of symmetries and repetitions have hardly been investigated. Any symmetry or repetition that is not oriented orthogonally to the line of sight yields perspective distortions on the retina. In this study, these distortions are analyzed in terms of first-order structures (i.e., virtual lines between corresponding points) and secondorder structures (i.e., correlation quadrangles formed by two virtual lines). In the literature, these structures have
more » ... been proposed to guide the detection of frontoparallel symmetry and repetition. But what about perspective views? First, the analysis in this study shows that perspective distorts the retinal first-order and second-order structures of symmetry and repetition differently. Second, the results of two experiments on this distortion difference suggest that, in perspective views, symmetry and repetition detection is not preceded by normalization but occurs directly on the basis of the retinal first-order and second-order structures.
doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2005.03.006 pmid:15932747 fatcat:nnhwmjc24rhzbiry4ymaub7gju