Theoretical Model for the Performance of Liquid Ring Pump Based on the Actual Operating Cycle

Si Huang, Jing He, Xueqian Wang, Guangqi Qiu
2017 International Journal of Rotating Machinery  
Liquid ring pump is widely applied in many industry fields due to the advantages of isothermal compression process, simple structure, and liquid-sealing. Based on the actual operating cycle of "suction-compression-discharge-expansion," a universal theoretical model for performance of liquid ring pump was established in this study, to solve the problem that the theoretical models deviated from the actual performance in operating cycle. With the major geometric parameters and operating conditions
more » ... of a liquid ring pump, the performance parameters such as the actual capacity for suction and discharge, shaft power, and global efficiency can be conveniently predicted by the proposed theoretical model, without the limitation of empiric range, performance data, or the detailed 3D geometry of pumps. The proposed theoretical model was verified by experimental performances of liquid ring pumps and could provide a feasible tool for the application of liquid ring pump.
doi:10.1155/2017/3617321 fatcat:ipwv6nunqnbfvm5dlbxbk7a6oi