Influence of the interface on the crystallization of amorphous Ge in Pb/Ge multilayers

W Sevenhans, J-P Locquet, Y Bruynseraede, H Homma, Ivan K Schuller
1988 Physica Scripta  
The amorphous to crystalline phase transition of Ge in contact with P b has been extensively investigated in Pb/Ge multilayers. We find that the Ge crystallizes at reduced temperatures in the range of 100-200°C depending on the thickness of the Ge and the Pb. Simultaneously the texture of the Pb improves and the layered structure completely disappears. It is suggested that the basis for the reduction of the crystallization temperature is the enhanced diffusion kinetics at the interface, caused by the adjacent Pb layer.
doi:10.1088/0031-8949/38/3/015 fatcat:anr6xnd4ojcufokuzxm4rkpwzu