Radiological Investigations of Head Pathology in Dogs

Glad MORAR, Radu LACATUS, Robert Cristian PURDOIU, Ionel PAPUC
2014 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Veterinary Medicine  
Skull radiography is usually indicated for investigation of clinical signs interesting different parts of the head such as trauma, pain, jaw problems, dysphagia, deformity of the sinuses, ear disease and signs of nasal and dental disease. The aim of the study was to identify the most relevant radiographic methods and techniques in dogs, capable of providing accurate information for a correct diagnosis regarding the head pathology and showing the importance of radiological investigations in
more » ... rent head injuries. The study was conducted during the period of 2012 -2014 in the Roentgen Diagnosis Laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca and in a private clinic from Cluj-Napoca, considering a total number of 100 clinical which 21 cases needed radiological examination. The Roentgen machines used for taking the radiographies were a TEMCO -GR -X® model and a Poskom model PXP-40HF® using Agfa and Kodak ilms and an automatic developing machine HU.Q HQ -350XT®. The animals were sedated and the positioning was adjusted according to the area of interest. The working parameters of the Roentgen machines were set according to the size and density of the interested area. From the 21 cases selected after the clinical exam, we found 3 sinusal disease, 2 zygomatic fractures, 1 maxillary fracture, 2 tympanic bullae affections, 3 cranium fractures, 3 nasal bone diseases, 3 dental affections and we also found 4 foreign bodies in the soft tissues of the cranium. In this study, we have shown the importance of radiological exam regarding head pathology showing simple and fast methods of diagnosing different affections and the limitations of the radiological exam.
doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-vm:10855 fatcat:t4umw3xexzhrhpvdbh6c6prtu4