Art via Architecture 'Lukisan Kajian' Style in Hybrid Model 'A+AGPD': Observation 'Garisan stroke line' (gSLine)

Maria Mohammad, Md. Nasir Ibrahim, Mohamad Rusdi Mohd Nasir, Kasran Mat Jiddin, Mohamad Faisal Ahmad
2015 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This research explores production styles stroke line and pen hatching effects of free hand drawing in 3 dimensional 3(D) illustration drawing called lukisan kajian. The purpose of the study is to compare line hatching effects 'Garisan stroke line' (gSLine) between the Art painting drawing with Architecture Graphic Presentation Drawing. Limitation of respondents from the artist's artistic and architectural illustration painter who actively produce illustration 3(D) drawing and reference art book
more » ... at Malaysian. SIX experts respondents were used as limitation of the study. Issues 'free hand' drawing that is not proportion or 'kejung' among students of art and architecture 'under-graduate' often discussed in journals within and outside Malaysia started in 2007 to 2014. This qualitative research using a phenomenological study design with methodology through triangulation of observation, visual recordings and literature review. Phenomenon (gSLine) was analysed based on the elements of art: line, shape, form, texture and color in creating 3 (D) illustrations lukisan kajian in free hand drawing style. The findings in the literature, find artistic work known as lukisan pengkaryaan. The paintings drawing by artist illustration graphics architecture, graphics known as lukisan perekaan. The findings of the SIX respondents found that there are three differences (gSLine) between the two disciplines of visual art which in the proportion (visualization), emotion (emosi) and aesthetic (estetik) which are summarized as (dVEE). Research findings found that 4 difference in the quality of the line drawings lukisan perekaan. The findings of the study were collected in order to produce a hybrid model of researchers 'Art + Architecture Graphic Presentation Drawing' (A + AGPD). The study used case study in order to production model process (gSLine) in explaining the 'how' a 3 (D) illustration lukisan kajian (dVEE) can be produced.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.490 fatcat:fnn6eg7uqnb5lbvw2rbx4t4dha