Invandrarnas yrkesutbildning och sysselsättning i Finland

Johanna Lasonen, Marianne Teräs, Carine Cools
2021 Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training  
In Finland, immigration has increased in recent decades. An equal quality of life and position for immigrants is a vocational and social challenge. In our article, we examine the challenges adult immigrants face in Finland regarding the recognition of professional qualifications, skills and employment and their children's access to education. As a result, we have two different points of view: adults in working life and young people in school transitions. The research materials were collected
more » ... ough interviews and surveys. The results suggest that adult immigrants usually have their skills recognised in the labour market only when the person obtains an overlapping or supplementary vocational training in Finland. Adolescents' school transitions are tied to at least three types of factors: the young people themselves, issues related to the community, and services offered by society. The authorities reiterated the importance of language skills, the motivation, and community services, while the young people promoted the social community: the importance of friends and families. The results highlight the importance of cooperation between the authorities, homes and young people so that young people can receive support at special stages in their lives.
doi:10.3384/njvet.2242-458x.20103138 fatcat:nt42gprlhngmhd4oj3ci525mwi