Efficacy of selective agonist V2 vasopressin receptor, 1-dezamino-8-D-arginine-vasopressin, in the treatment of pain in patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine

Svetlana G. Belokoskova, Sergei G. Tsikunov
2016 Reviews on Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy  
Pain is the leading symptom with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the vertebral column. Now for the treatment of vertebral pain using pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. However, in some cases, the application of these techniques is contraindicated or ineffective. In this regard, relevant search for new methods of therapy of pain syndrome. It is known that arginine-vasopressin (AVP), along with the hormonal effects shows properties of neuromodulator. The experiment shows that
more » ... AVP showed analgetic properties. AVP reduced the severity of pain in patients with renal colic, with migraine, pains due to cancer [24, 36, 37]. There is not data on the impact of AVP on vertebrogenic pain syndrome. In this context, the aim of the research was to assess the effectiveness of the agonist V2-receptors, 1-dezamino-8-D-arginine-vasopressin, DDAVP, in correction of pain syndrome in patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the vertebral column. Treatment received 23 patients. DDAVP is injected intranasal drip in a daily dose of 1•10 -7 g. The control group consisted of 10 patients with vertebral pain who received traditional therapy. Therapeutic effect of DDAVP was in 87 % of cases. Pain decreased after 2.5-3 hours from the beginning of treatment in patients with moderate and mild pain. Along with reduction of pain regressed fatigue-depressive disorders. Thus, it was shown that the DDAVP was effective and safe in the treatment of vertebral pain.
doi:10.17816/rcf14358-65 fatcat:idiyfusomvhzzpfty7izra73v4