Novel variational approach for analysis of photonic crystal slabs

Mohammad Hasan Aram, Sina Khorasani
2015 Materials Research Express  
We propose a new method based on variational principle for analysis of photonic crystal (PC) slabs. Most of the methods used today treat PC slab as a three-dimensional (3D) crystal and this makes them very time and/or memory consuming. In this method we use Bloch theorem to expand the field on infinite plane waves which their amplitudes depend on the component perpendicular to the slab surface. By approximating these amplitudes with appropriate functions, we can find modes of PC slabs almost as
more » ... fast as we can find modes of a two-dimensional (2D) crystal. Besides this advantage, we can also calculate radiation modes with this method which is not feasible with 3D Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) method.
doi:10.1088/2053-1591/2/5/056201 fatcat:demcr7rzbreqzldv2v74j3hr4y