A Variational Model for Removing Multiple Multiplicative Noises

Xuegang Hu, Yan Hu
2015 Open Journal of Applied Sciences  
The problem of multiplicative noise removal has been widely studied in recent years. Many methods have been used to remove it, but the final results are not very excellent. The total variation regularization method to solve the problem of the noise removal can preserve edge well, but sometimes produces undesirable staircasing effect. In this paper, we propose a variational model to remove multiplicative noise. An alternative algorithm is employed to solve variational model minimization problem.
more » ... Experimental results show that the proposed model can not only effectively remove Gamma noise, but also Rayleigh noise, as well as the staircasing effect is significantly reduced.
doi:10.4236/ojapps.2015.512075 fatcat:odljbshnxfhe3iqma6ycmfoq4e