Pembuatan Sistem Less Hand Touch sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Penyebaran COVID-19
Riska Ekawita, Supiyati Supiyati, Elfi Yuliza
The use of soap and water or hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol can slay viruses and germs. Therefore, routine hand washing is one of the health protocols that is implemented especially during the Covid-19 pandemic with the aim of reducing the spread of the corona virus. However, the hand washing systems available, especially in public facilities, are still limited and manually in operation. Therefore, the objective of this service is to provide hand washing equipment with less
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... nd touch system which is placed in public facilities. It is hoped that this activity can help the community in reducing the spread of the virus. This paper describes the mechanism for making a hand washing system and submitting the system to several public facilities. The less hand touch system consists of an automatic hand wash, an automatic hand sanitizer and a pedal system-based hand wash. An automatic system is made by utilizing ultrasonic sensors and Arduino as controllers. Meanwhile, a pedal system uses the user's feet as a control for the hand washing process. The building of the system is divided into 2 stages, namely the construction of the hardware and software part. Then, the system was placed in public facilities as an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The delivery of the ready-to-use less hand-touch hand washing system to the participants involved several participants i.e. village officials, community health center staff and the mosque elements. Then, the training on the use and maintenance of the system was also carried out which was given to the person in charge appointed by the participant for each element. Furthermore, the provision of this equipment can support the efforts made by public facility managers in carrying out government recommendations, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Kata kunci: Covid-19, mencuci tangan, fasilitas umum, less hand touch system Abstrak Penggunaan sabun dan air ataupun cairan pembersih tangan yang mengandung minimal 60 % alkohol mampu membunuh virus dan kuman. Oleh karena itu, rutin mencuci tangan menjadi salah satu protokol kesehatan yang diterapkan terutama pada masa pandemi Ekawita, dkk -Pembuatan Sistem Less Hand Touch ...