Two-bodyBc→D(s)(*)P,D(s)(*)Vdecays in the perturbative QCD approach

Zhou Rui, Zhi-Tian Zou, Cai-Dian Lü
2012 Physical Review D  
We make a systematic investigation on the two-body nonleptonic decays B_c → D^(*)_(s)P, D^(*)_(s)V, by employing the perturbative QCD approach based on k_T factorization, where P and V denote any light pseudoscalar meson and vector meson, respectively. We predict the branching ratios and direct CP-asymmetries of these B_c decays and also the transverse polarization fractions of B_c → D^*_(s)V decays. It is found that the non-factorizable emission diagrams and annihilation type diagrams have
more » ... rkable effects on the physical observables in many channels, especially the color-suppressed and annihilation-dominant decay modes. A possible large direct CP-violation is predicted in some channels; and a large transverse polarization contribution that can reach 50 D^*_(s)V decays.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.86.074008 fatcat:fmthtfzm3jfplmgzkwp6uhjnve