Conformal immersions of compact Riemann surfaces into the 2n-sphere (n ≥ 2)

Jun-Ichi Hano
1996 Nagoya mathematical journal  
The purpose of this article is to prove the following theorem:Let n be a positive integer larger than or equal to 2, and let S be the unit sphere in the 2n +1dimensional Euclidean space. Given a compact Riemann surface, we can always find a conformal and minimal immersion of the surface into S whose image is not lying in any 2n —1dimensional hyperplane.This is a partial generalization of the result by R. L. Bryant. In this papers, he demonstrates the existence of a conformal and minimal
more » ... n of a compact Riemann surface into S2n, which is generically 1:1, whenn = 2([2]) andn= 3 ([1]).
doi:10.1017/s0027763000005535 fatcat:xbtcxxn3knfgrarmwn5ixflcx4