Sudihyo Supardi, Nani Sukasediati, Sriana Azis
THE PA TTERN OF BRUG USE AND TRADITIONAL MEDICINES FOR SEI,F-MEDICATION A T TANJUNG BINTANG, LAMPUNG Self-rrie~lication appeared to be the initial effort of around 60% of the urban community in three cities on Java Island, in 1993. Drugs were used more frequently than the traditional medicines. Sel/lnredicatron might potentially be an eflcient self-help means for the community before getting the opportuniw to reach the Prinrnrv health center. To achieve effectiveness of the self-medication
more » ... t, providing good infornratiar?, how ever is stronglv needed. The cross sectional studv has been carried out among a rural conrm~nit~v in two villages of Subdistrict Tanjung Bintang, in the Southern part of Larrrpung province. The sample population consist of housewives, who had ever taken drzig or traditional medicines within the last month prior to the interview. Respondents (320 housewives) were choosen by multistage random sampling based on the number qf household.^, RT and RLV. Data were analvzed and presented as means and as the frequency distribution of the variables. The re.rult obtained arc : (I) A total of 74,596 prevalence was found taking drugs and traditional nierlicines,fir a period of one month, c1rug.r how ever were used more frequently. (2) Drugs were taker7 as an e f l ~ r t in relieving their percei\~ed headache, fever, or cough, according to their knowledge obtaincd,fi-onr ath~erti,~enrer~t through televisio~~ aritl radio progranrs. They got acces to the renretlial products in srrroll shop.^ (wtrrung), within a tiistnr~ce up to 500 nreterfronr their home, without rleedirrg r ~ r y trnnsporfntior.~, a~itl with a cost of Rp 194 (Sn.-t 289). (3) On the other hand, traditional ~ C I / I ' C ~ I I C. T w e r ~ rnk(>tl as a ret?rer/v against diarrhoea, nruscle-aches arid health prever~tive/fitness, nccort/in,q therr krrorc~lcc(qr recr:ived from their relatives and neighbours. They obtained the remedial prorlrrct fvonr the I i~17rlor.r, ~,ithin a clistat~ce up to 500 meter ,from thier &veling place, without ncei11rig nt? trnnsportation. or~d with a cost cf Rp 407 (SD.? 500). (4j Eflectiveness of the self-meclicotion qffi)rt were perceiveri b.v around 78,5% and 72,2% ofthe user, for drug and traditional nredicir7e.s respectivelv.