Developing Automatic Water Table Control System for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Paddy Fields

C Arif, M I Fauzan, K S Satyanto, I S Budi, M Masaru
2018 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
Water table in rice fields play important role to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from paddy fields. Continuous flooding by maintenance water table 2-5 cm above soil surface is not effective and release more GHG emissions. System of Rice Intensification (SRI) as alternative rice farming apply intermittent irrigation by maintaining lower water table is proven can reduce GHG emissions reducing productivity significantly. The objectives of this study were to develop automatic water table
more » ... ntrol system for SRI application and then evaluate the performances. The control system was developed based on fuzzy logic algorithms using the mini PC of Raspberry Pi. Based on laboratory and field tests, the developed system was working well as indicated by lower MAPE (mean absolute percentage error) values. MAPE values for simulation and field tests were 16.88% and 15.80%, respectively. This system can save irrigation water up to 42.54% without reducing productivity significantly when compared to manual irrigation systems.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/147/1/012040 fatcat:cfqe7qn7hnfwxnngxazdhpmwzi