DNA replication and repair in Tilapia cells. I. The effect of ultraviolet radiation

F H Yew, L M Chang
1984 Journal of Cell Science  
The effect of ultraviolet radiation on a cell line established from the warm water fish Tilapia has been assessed by measuring the rate of DNA synthesis, excision repair, post-replication repair and cell survival. The cells tolerate ultraviolet radiation better than mammalian cells with respect to DNA synthesis, post-replication repair and cell survival. They are also efficient in excision repair, which in other fish cell lines has been found to be at a low level or absent. Their response to
more » ... inhibitors hydroxyurea and 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine is less sensitive than that of other cell lines, yet the cells seem to have very small pools of DNA precursor.
pmid:6543442 fatcat:7yoty2jygzeh7jabbtmsnkad6a