A Study of Defects in Iron Based Alloys by Positron Annihilation Techniques

K.M. Mostafa, J. De Baerdemaeker, D. Segers, P.R. Calvillo, N. Van Caenegem, Y. Houbaert
2008 Acta Physica Polonica. A  
Defects in different iron based alloys were studied at room temperature using positron annihilation techniques. In FeSi alloys, it was found that the Si content and the deformation temperature affect the positron annihilation parameters. In Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni-C samples with different deformations, positron lifetime measurements were carried out before and after isochronal annealing. X-ray diffraction gave information about the different microstructural phases that exist in the deformed alloys
more » ... and after annealing. During deformation a martensitic ε phase is induced. At 500 • C, defects and the ε martensite phase were almost annealed out from the low deformed samples.
doi:10.12693/aphyspola.113.1471 fatcat:53h5r5vgrjfofhmnjxu7ojtv2y