Triplet superfluidity on a triangular ladder with dipolar fermions

Bradraj Pandey, Swapan K. Pati
2017 Physical review B  
Motivated by recent experimental progress in the field of dipolar-Fermi gases, we investigate the quantum phases of dipolar fermions, on a triangular ladder at half filling. Using density matrix renormalization group method, in presence of onsite repulsion and intersite attractive interaction, we find exotic spin-triplet superfluid phase in addition to the usual spin-density and charge-density waves. We examine the stability of spin-triplet superfluid phase by varying hopping along the rungs of
more » ... the triangle. Possibility of fermionic supersolidity has also been discussed, by considering three- body interaction in the Hamiltonian. We also study the effect of spin-dependent hopping on the stability of spin-triplet superfluid phase.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.95.085105 fatcat:ymoe5nufijanjclwu3s3x3wk5e