The Lower Limit of Age for School Attendance — Noise, an Element of Damage — Medical Notes

1902 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
The chapter on bandaging requires very careful reading of the text and some actual experience to understand the cuts. The student would be rendered much assistance if the direction of the turns and the "initial" and "terminal" ends of the bandage were indicated by some of the "graphic " methods in use for this purpose. The above characteristics noted from time to time during the perusal of the volume lead one to question if the author's attempt to condense the subjects of bandaging, minor
more » ... y, fractures and dislocations, ligation of arteries, amputai ions, resections and many of the most important abdominal operations, into the limited space of a student's manual, has not resulted in making his work more superficial than thorough. The book, with its clear type, distinct paragraph headings and many striking illustrations, on casual examination, makes a favorable impression ; but to the careful reader, or tho student seeking a thorough knowledge of his subject, it will, we fear, be disappointing. General Surgery.
doi:10.1056/nejm190208281470908 fatcat:k72hdsxs7jdi7ddbo366traumq