An analysis of firms' sustainable operations strategies: a game theory approach

Narges Kasiri, Hormoz Movassaghi
2015 International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management  
Environmental sustainability is receiving increasing attention in industries and is manifested in various dimensions such as marketing and operations. Incorporating sustainability in operations is a strategic decision that has challenged most firms in recent years. Social trends and government regulations are important factors that play a role in influencing firms' decisions to adopt an environmentally sustainable strategy in their operations. In this paper, we develop a game theory model to
more » ... hematically analyse how these two factors can change a firm's decision from a non-sustainable to a sustainable strategy, and vice versa. We demonstrate that the model is not limited to the 'prisoner's dilemma' but also includes the games of 'harmony' and 'no-conflict'. This model helps explain firms' past sustainability behaviour and enables us to predict their future actions.
doi:10.1504/ijmom.2015.069220 fatcat:ldfzgene55dvpazsovqyzahmcq