Paul Goma. The Novel Sabina: The Phenomenology of Eros and the Autonomous Game of Writing in Romantic Arts

Mariana Pasincovschi
By making complex associations through the whole paper, the study aimed to reconstruct the elements of Paul Goma's poetics, through a careful analysis of the novel-Sabina‖. Writing his story from a now that relates to a then, on the path of the Communist System, the narrator mixed Eros with history, starting from a predetermined route, which he did not follow exactly. However, the macro-narrative structure took shape, denoting a deep essence through the visible connection with many related
more » ... es: psychological, ontological, philosophical, social, topological, historical, linguistic, concentrating religious allusions dissipated throughout the book and staging the irresistible fascination of women. Material at first, Sabina emerged from the carnal content and, since she was cut from Adam's rib, merged with the narrator, becoming an immaterial and weightless part of him. Putting a history in the background of the writing, longing for the perpetual nostalgia of a new inventive, ironic, playful phrase, inclined to self-analysis, the narrator set out to reveal the whole charm of the voluptuousness and the erotic nudity. Thus, the relationship with the Other is established through a third party that he finds in his inner self. By drawing his strength from the realm of authenticity and literality as from a cosmos of expanding rest, he ended up merging with the world, with the life, embracing images and ideas, contemplations and experiences, in the service of beauty and coveted perfection.