Active Noise Control of Induction Motor using Co-FXLMS Algorithm
Co-FXLMS 알고리즘을 이용한 유도전동기의 능동소음제어

Young-Min Kim, Hyun-Do Nam, Young-Jin Lee, Kwon-Soon Lee
2012 The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers  
In this study, the active noise control experiment has been performed using induction motor noises. While the noises were measured, a induction motor was operated in different speed. For the simulation of ANC(Active Noise Control), test-bed is composed a multi-channel ANC system was constructed. In order to compare the control performance, we performed noise reduction simulations of ANC by Co-FXLMS algorithm and FXLMS algorithm. Through the simulation results, we confirmed that convergence
more » ... rmance and noise decrease effect of the proposed Co-FXLMS algorithm have been improved from existing FXLMS algorithm.
doi:10.5370/kiee.2012.61.10.1489 fatcat:mkjk5vg64nh6pfu2abrzyv4tda