A Near-Optimal Probing Strategy for Workpiece Localization

Z. Xiong, M.Y. Wang, Z. Li
2004 IEEE Transactions on Robotics  
This paper addresses an optimal planning problem for workpiece localization with coordinate measurements. The fundamental issue is to find the best probing locations and a suitable sampling size, such that the uncertainty of the localization error is within a predefined limited bound. First, we introduce two sequential optimization algorithms to incrementally increase the localization accuracy, defined by the determinant of the information matrix of the measurements. Then, a reliability
more » ... method is incorporated for finding a sample size that is sufficient to reduce the uncertainty of the localization error to a limited bound. By combining these two analysis tools, we present a near-optimal probing strategy for finding the best probing locations and a suitable sampling size. With this strategy, given the desired translation and orientation error bounds and desired confidence limit, we can experimentally determine the least number of points needed to measure. Simulation and experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed probing strategy.
doi:10.1109/tro.2004.829474 dblp:journals/trob/XiongWL04 fatcat:bkhjrsnqafh3bbbcw2drtbqyha