توان توضیحی گشتاورهای سیستماتیک بالاتر در مدل شرطی قیمت‌گذاری دارایی سرمایه‌ای

مریم دولو, واجد رضایی
2019 Chashm/andÄ?z-i mudÄ«riyyat-i mÄ?lÄ«  
1 The capital asset pricing model is based on the assumption of the normal distribution of asset returns. However, many studies have challenged the assumption of the normal distribution of returns and subsequently, by adding higher momentto model development. Also, in examining the effect of higher moments real returns instead of expected returns is used, also because the capital asset pricingmodel assumes investors' preferences and the asset return distribution is stablethe conditional
more » ... ship between returns and these moments is examination. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the empirical effects of the third and fourth systematic moments on the minimum rate of expected return on investment in in a conditional way. The research sample includes 195 companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange from 2004 to 2016. In order to study the effect of the third and fourth systematic moments, the Fama Macbeth method (1973) has been used. Evidence suggests that in the whole study period, the effect of skewness was systematically negative, and systematic kurtosishas not been effective on the expected minimum expected return rate. In the bullish market, the systematic skewness has a direct effect of reversal and systematic elongation, and in the downside, both reversed the effect.
doi:10.52547/jfmp.9.27.9 fatcat:kuob5q6denh2na5dpimojqp3iq