Applying Ensemble Learning Algorithm in Early Prognosis of Heart Illness

Lijetha.C. Jaffrin, Et. al.
2021 Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education  
Medical diagnosis and treatment of diseases are the key elements of machine learning algorithms nowadays. To find similarities between various diseases, machine learning algorithms are used. Many people are now dying due to sudden heart attacks. Predicting and diagnosing heart disease is a daunting aspect faced by physicians and hospitals around the world. There is a need to foreknow whether or not a person is at risk of heart syndrome in advance, in order to minimize the number of deaths due
more » ... heart disease. In this field, machine learning algorithms play a very significant role. Many researchers are carrying out their research in this field to create software that can assist doctors to make decisions about cardiac illness prognosis. In this paper, Random Forest and AdaBoost ensemble Machine Learning Procedures are used in advance to predict heart disease. The datasets are handled in python programming by means of Anaconda Spyder IDE to validate the machine learning algorithm.
doi:10.17762/turcomat.v12i2.1513 fatcat:nefiirbf35gsrlg6ktyy6jztea