TOGETHER INTO THE FUTURE: A transformed mental health system for New Brunswick
Hon Judge, Michael Mckee
Recommendations A clear plan As a first step, consistently apply existing guidelines for optimizing equitable access to a comprehensive range of evidence-based services across the province. Every door is the right door: integrated service delivery Building on the community health centre team approach currently in place in a few New Brunswick communities; create a provincewide network of holistically integrated service delivery models with a single point of entry. Eliminate the current backlog
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... tertiary care facilities by ensuring availability of a range of housing options, with related treatment, services and supports for community living. Goal 1.2 There is a comprehensive, skilled human resource pool Recommendations Training Create clear standards and policies for mental health professional education to ensure adequate and dedicated human resources at all levels across the lifespan. Timeline: 2 years, beginning 2009-2010 Responsibility: Departments of Health and Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Institute regular in-depth staff training to enhance competencies for best practice interventions, based on a scan and gap analysis to identify human resource requirements in each region. "Our daughter died searching for help." Timeline: Scan 2010-2011; Development and initial implementation of training to 2010-2013 Responsibility: Department of Health Recruitment Revisit current policies, particularly for psychiatrists and psychologists, in order to maximize potential for recruitment. Timeline: 2 years, beginning 2009-2010 Responsibility: Department of Health Particular disciplines Research strategies and create guidelines for appropriate deployment of particular disciplines such as psychologists and appropriate use of their specific expertise. Goal 9.2 There is recognition and support for family groups Recommendations Create a plan for sustaining and nurturing existing groups and supporting the development of new groups (such as for First Episode Families) where needed. Base the plan on a scan of family groups and organizations throughout the province, and their organizational requirements to carry out their role effectively. Timeline: