Bifocal Biology: Combining Physical and Virtual Labs to Support Inquiry in Biological Systems

Tamar Fuhrmann, Daniel Greene, Shima Salehi, Paulo Blikstein
2012 International Conference of the Learning Sciences  
In this paper we describe a pilot study of an approach to STEM inquiry learning called Bifocal Modeling (Blikstein, 2010) with a group of high school students studying bacterial growth. Students grew real bacteria, and then collaboratively designed a conceptual agent-based model of bacteria to mimic the observed growth. Observations and student notes suggest that the activity helped students demonstrate their knowledge of bacterial growth by formalizing it from a list of unorganized facts into
more » ... n accurate pseudo-computational model. In completing their task, they also critically reflected on the assumptions built into the modeling activity itself, and demonstrated familiarity with some core principles of complex systems.
dblp:conf/icls/FuhrmannGSB12 fatcat:jhsiirzqxfbofhpyb3nwg355ee