June 13, 1843

Rymer Jones
1843 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London  
A white variety of the Irish Hare (Lepus Hibernicus, Yarrell), presented by Robert Leslie Ogilby, Esq., was exhibited. The following Notes by Prof. E. Forbes, on the species of N e m a (Gray) inhabiting the Egean Sea, were read :-" Among the Mollusca inhabiting the seas of the Grecian Archipelago are four species of the genus Neteru, two of which have been previously described, and two are apparently new. " The described species are the N e e r a cuspidata, a well-known shell, and the type of
more » ... e genus, extensively distributed throughout the European seas. In the Egean it is scarce, but by no means local; and of all the Greek species, is that found in the shallowest water. The second described species is the N e m a costellata, a beautiful bivalve hitherto recorded only in the fossil state. It was described and figured by M. Deshayes in the great French work on the Morea, from specimens found in the tertiary strata of that country. I have taken it not unfrequently in the Egean, sometimes alive and at considerable depths, even below 100 fathoms. " Of the new species, one is nearly allied to N e e r a cuspidata, and appears to replace it in the deeper parts of the Egean. I have called it NEBRA ATTENUATI. N . testd oblonga", obsolet.4 striatd, antic2 rotundatd, superiore subangulatd, postic? longi-rostratd ; rostro angusto, ared lineari trnnsvers? striatd ; umbonibus obtusis ; dente laterali in valvuld superiori lineari. "The second is an anormal and aberrant form, differing in its hinge characters from the other Egean species. It inhabits very deep water, even to 200 fathoms, and I have never taken it in less than 100. NEERA ABBREVIATA. N . test& suborbiculari, transversE Eeviter sulcutd, antic2 rotundatd, postice brevi-rostratli ; rostro lato, ared obsoletri; umbonibus actutissimis ; dmte luterali obsoleto. Long. O h ; lat. Q&.
doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1843.tb00084.x fatcat:w24z7fi6nvfojoeigufybnrkp4