Co-Creation in the Game Industry: A Case Study in a Brazilian Developer

Marcos Vinicius Cardoso, Huoston Rodrigues Batista, Ernani Marques da Silva, Marcos Antonio Gaspar, Ivanir Costa, Fábio Luís Falchi de Magalhães
2018 Social Networking  
The objective of this work is to understand how the process of co-creation occurs within the creative industry of video games. For this, concepts of the creative industry, co-creation, information and communication technologies (ICTs) and innovation were studied. Since this is an exploratory and qualitative research, a single case study was chosen as a method. The analysis was done in a Brazilian company that develops games for mobile devices. The results show that the consumer (gamer)
more » ... tes in value creation in the company's products, mainly in the initial production stages. In the later phases, after the launch and other steps of the life cycle, although there is a relationship with the users, the joint creation of value is little explored by the organization. Also, it was verified that the co-creation process is supported by different information and communication tools, which provide agility to the process.
doi:10.4236/sn.2018.71005 fatcat:6bw25gvsfnbu3bcftealimxgay