
Sushma Jagadev, Prabhakar Jenna
2017 Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare  
BACKGROUND Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer globally accounting for at least 40% of cases. It is especially common among people with light skin. Non-melanoma skin cancers, about 80% are basal cell cancers and 20% squamous cell cancers. Basal cell and squamous cell cancers rarely result in death. Australia and New Zealand have the highest rates of melanoma in the world. The aim of the study is to study the prevalence, clinicopathological presentation and management of skin
more » ... es. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is a prospective study conducted for a period of 2 years and analysed 30 cases of malignant skin tumours proven on histopathology with respect to prevalence, age, sex distribution, common site of occurrence and treatment modalities adopted. RESULTS In the present study, 47% of squamous cell carcinoma occurred between 50-59 years of age, more common in males with site predilection of lower limbs. Basal cell carcinoma was more common in the age group, 60-69 years (55.6%) and more common in females (66.7%). The commonest site of occurrence of basal cell carcinoma was in the lower eyelid. Malignant melanoma was more common in the age group 50-59 years (75%) and more common in females (75%). The commonest site of occurrence of melanoma was lower extremity. All the cases were treated with surgery. CONCLUSION Non-melanoma skin malignancies like squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are more common than melanoma and have good prognosis. The mean age of occurrence of the tumours was around 60 years of age and responded well with surgical resection. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Jagadev S, Jenna P. A clinicopathological study and management of skin malignancies. J. Evid. Based Med. BACKGROUND Skin contrary to the ubiquitous simplistic concept is a remarkably heterogenous organ. Non-melanoma skin cancer largely composed of squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. They compose 1-2% of cutaneous neoplasm in Indians. Basal cell carcinoma contributes to 20% to 30% and squamous cell carcinoma 30% to 65% in Asian Indians. Among skin cancers, melanoma is the most lethal. It comprises only 3% of all skin cancers diagnosed each year. 1,2
doi:10.18410/jebmh/2017/786 fatcat:fwjs6l3uzvf7dfokm7re6ktkqa