A Conversation with the Composer Gabriel Yared

Ronald H. Sadoff, Gabriel Yared
2021 Music and the Moving Image  
music and the moving image 14.3 / fall 2021 ©2021 by the board of trustees of the university of illinois music and the moving image 14.3 / fall 2021 GY: You've quoted the best. [laughs] RS: And Gabriel's chosen instruments range from the symphony orchestra to jazz ensembles and even a Fairlight CMI. 20 GY: You have a Fairlight? RS: Yes. GY: It's a very interesting sampler. Much more, I would say than all the new samplers, because it had the sound. RS: Oh, it did. GY: It was not digital. RS: And
more » ... heard often, in such shows as Miami Vice, 21 scored by Jan Hammer. 22 GY: Yes. RS: Let's now move ahead. We'll explore your music-which is both familiar and innovative and always fresh. We'll hear your sound, your art, and certainly a great imagination and a most unique voice. Welcome to NYU, Gabriel. GY: Thank you, thank you, thank you all. RS: Our students have watched and perused the scores for the cues you selected. Through your perspective and our discussions and questions, we hopefully can gain insights into your relationship between your music and the films-and perhaps your creative process. Before we dive into that centerpiece of our session-your music-I' d like to set the stage by learning more about your background-your musical path and your ideology. When did you know that you were going to be, or let's say were destined to become a composer? What were your earliest memories of music that profoundly touched you and inspired you?
doi:10.5406/musimoviimag.14.3.0003 fatcat:nd7lnqguqje6hjexztit57s4bm