The ventilator-associated pneumonia as a tracer condition for quality and patient�s safety in the adult intensive care unit. A critical process analysis

Sergio Antonio Pulzi Junior, Claudia Regina Cachulo Lopes, Vanessa da Silva Teixeira, Milton Soibelmann Lapchik
2014 Proceedings of the 11th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management   unpublished
Healthcare infections can be prevented. The occurrence of these infections may be considered as an indicator to monitor health care quality in hospitals. In this context, the ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) has been used to compare institution's performance and for financing support. The exclusive use of outcome indicator, incidence density of VAP, can be considered controversial because it cannot express the actual healthcare quality. Thus, we intend to discuss about the processes
more » ... s, including the VAP prevention protocol and its relation to the outcome indicator. The adherence to the VAP prevention protocol showed lower than expected, but there was a temporal association with incidence reduction of VAP. So that, it is possible to question that institutions with different levels of quality can show similar results indicators. It is suggested that the simultaneous utilization of structure and process indicators is essential for better quality assistance analysis.
doi:10.5748/9788599693100-contecsi/ps-527 fatcat:zrzyfilnafgolgz3q5z4wecxd4