The Prevalence of Hypertension among Croatian Hospitalized Coronary Heart Disease Patients

Hrvoje Vražić, Jozica Šikić, Tomo Lucijanić, Miroslav Raguž, Antica Romić, Nediljko Jukić, Janko Grman, Aleksandar Knežević, Mario Ivanuša, Mijo Bergovec
2012 Collegium Antropologicum  
A B S T R A C T The aim of this article was to investigate the prevalence of hypertension with selected anthropometric variables in a sample of hospitalized coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in Croatia. This study investigated patients hospitalized in the period of October 1 st 2007 until January 7 th 2010 because of acute or chronic CHD in various hospitals in Croatia (N=1,298). Prevalence of hypertension in surveyed patient population was high: 70.1% of participants had raised blood
more » ... re (BP) or previously diagnosed hypertension. Men had statistically significantly higher mean diastolic BP values than women (78.91±8.97 vs. 77.12±10.61 mmHg, p=0.011). Prevalence of hypertension was statistically significantly more frequent in women (80.6% vs. 65.8%, p<0.001). Hypertension still represents an important problem among hospitalized Croatian CHD patients. Its prevalence, unfortunately, continues to increase in this population, suggesting that there is still great potential for improvement of preventive cardiology standards and measures that have already been undertaken.
doi:10.5671/ca.2012361s.217 fatcat:rjikx7guyvc63gga2ngemtjqqm