A new approach to the chromatographic determination of quercetin water solubility

Igor G. Zenkevich, St. Petersburg State University, Dmitrii A. Olisov, Roman V. Shafigulin, Andzhela V. Bulanova, St. Petersburg State University, Samara University, Samara University, Samara University
2019 Аналитика и контроль  
Significant discrepancies of literature data on the quercetin (Q) water solubility (the variations exceed 5000 times!) at the ambient temperature prompted the elaboration of a new approach on its determination. The new approach is based not on the single measurements, but on the revealing and com paring the two dependencies of solubility. First of them is the dependence of the solubility on pH of water solutions S(Q) = a·рН + b, followed by S(Q) interpolation on рН = 7, which corresponds to the
more » ... pure water. The second one is the dependence of the solubility on acetonitrile content in acetonit rile-water mixtures,
doi:10.15826/analitika.2019.23.3.013 fatcat:sfus7a54rfeahi4kawog7hadaq