Generalized Three-Step Numerical Methods for Solving Equations in Banach Spaces

Michael I. Argyros, Ioannis K. Argyros, Samundra Regmi, Santhosh George
2022 Mathematics  
In this article, we propose a new methodology to construct and study generalized three-step numerical methods for solving nonlinear equations in Banach spaces. These methods are very general and include other methods already in the literature as special cases. The convergence analysis of the specialized methods is been given by assuming the existence of high-order derivatives which are not shown in these methods. Therefore, these constraints limit the applicability of the methods to equations
more » ... volving operators that are sufficiently many times differentiable although the methods may converge. Moreover, the convergence is shown under a different set of conditions. Motivated by the optimization considerations and the above concerns, we present a unified convergence analysis for the generalized numerical methods relying on conditions involving only the operators appearing in the method. This is the novelty of the article. Special cases and examples are presented to conclude this article.
doi:10.3390/math10152621 fatcat:ngznepqtnzavpo33tmzlraakyi