Traumatic Pseudo Aneurysm of the Inferior Gluteal Artery as a Delayed Complication of a Buttock Penetrating Trauma

Hèla BJ, Sayda M, Nesrine G
2015 Journal of Vascular Medicine & Surgery  
False gluteal aneurysms are exceptional and may develop secondary to penetrating gluteal injury or pelvic trauma. They represent less than 1% of all aneurysms and they develop within the superior or inferior gluteal arteries, being branches of the internal iliac artery. A case of successfully embolization of a pseudo-aneurysm of the inferior gluteal artery discovered one month after a penetrating buttock trauma is presented. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the pain had resolved completely.
doi:10.4172/2329-6925.1000231 fatcat:hd5dezlbjvbn7bspix22cbui7m