Operation of class DE amplifier outside optimum condition

H. Sekiya, T. Negishi, T. Suetsugu, T. Yahagi
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems  
This paper presents exact analysis of class DE amplifier for any conditions including outside optimum conditions. We give a analytical expressions of waveform equations and initial values of current and voltage in the steady state. By using these analytical equations, switching voltage, output voltage and power conversion efficiency of class DE amplifier can be derived with few efforts. In this paper, we denote the steady state behaviors outside optimum conditions which occurs by the variations
more » ... of operating frequency and switch on duty ratio. The theoretical results shows a quantitative agreement with the experimental ones, which denotes the validity of analytical equations.
doi:10.1109/iscas.2006.1692567 dblp:conf/iscas/SekiyaNSY06 fatcat:xn5zgyakrveerlmnh3nreuc6ue