The peculiarities of scientific research whithin old institutionalism of the political-institutional paradigm

O. V. Bashtannyk
2016 Granì  
A definition of the classical (traditional, or – in the English­language academic tradition ­ old) institutionalism as the research direction of political­institutional paradigm of political science is proposed. Classical institutionalism is grounded on formalized, rationally­based analysis of the political­legal nature's structures concerned with the features of realization a regulated by government legal acts state power. The formation of this branch of institutional theory was based on the
more » ... ea that state structures as political institutions developed regulatory requirements, which have a decisive influence on internal political processes and government foreign policy. Peculiarities of subject­field analysis and selection of methodological tools, which are typical for researches of classical institutionalism of the political­institutional paradigm of political science are specified. The basis methodology for investigations of this branch of political science institutionalism characterized by a shift of research balance in favor of the legal component of the political­legal approaches that for a long time led to restrictions of the scientific researches field. These approaches were the basis of institutional research in the framework of classical institutionalism, the subject of which was a state (as the central institution) and governmental institutions (till the middle XX). The presence of internal evolution in the analysis's research strategy of the classical institutional theory is justified. First, the principle of normativity (borrowed from political philosophy) was gradually transformed from requirements of accordance to moral and value criteria till declaration the paramount of legal framework for regulation the functioning of the political institutions. Second, understanding of the state as a legally holistic phenomenon of the highest status to the system of government (borrowed from legal positivism and historical school of law) was modified to consideration of the state as one among other political [...]
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