On the Study of Cross-cultural Assimilation in Business Negotiation

Yu Chen
2017 Proceedings of the 2016 2nd International Conference on Economics, Management Engineering and Education Technology (ICEMEET 2016)   unpublished
As world economic and trade are becoming globalized, they are now among the least concerns for any organization that has decided to go to the world. Today, international business people increasingly find themselves working in multi-cultural environment, dealing with real differences in everything from communication styles to social etiquette to core values. From the cultural perspective, this paper has put emphasis on several main factors affecting international business negotiation, such as
more » ... guage, social customs and habits, time etc. Cultural differences can influence business negotiations in significant and unexpected ways. So knowledge of these factors may help a negotiator understand a counterpart from another culture and anticipate possible friction and misunderstandings, by extension, take initiative in negotiations.
doi:10.2991/icemeet-16.2017.37 fatcat:fow7shvsenbq5f3sxtrynj2ghu