Global solutions for an age-dependent model of nucleation, growth and ageing with hysteresis

Youssef Amal, Martin Pinto
2010 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Series B  
In this article we establish the global well-posedness of a recent model proposed by Noguera, Fritz, Clément and Baronnet for simultaneously describing the process of nucleation, growth and ageing of particles in thermodynamically closed, initially supersaturated systems. This model, which applies to precipitation in solution, vapor condensation and crystallization from a simple melt, can be seen as a highly nonlinear age-dependent population problem involving a delayed birth process and a
more » ... resis damage operator. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 35A05, 45G; Secondary: 47J40, 92D25.
doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2010.13.517 fatcat:rpcyd5omtbdbrir6xonwr467pq