MOESM1 of Towards sustainable vegetable production around agro-pastoral dams in Northern Benin: current situation, challenges and research avenues for sustainable production and integrated dam management

G. KpĂŠra, Alcade Segnon, Aliou SaĂŻdou, Guy Mensah, Noelle Aarts, Akke Zijpp
2017 Figshare  
Additional file 1. Table S1. Socio-demographic and biophysical characteristics of study participants. Table S2. Pesticides labelled for cotton used by some vegetable producers around the Nikki agro-pastoral dam. Table S3. Logistic regression testing the effect of age, gender, number of year in vegetable production, position related to the dams, vegetable species richness, and village on the probability that a vegetable producer perceived that his/her activity affected dam water quality and
more » ... diles and contributed to dam siltation. Table S4. Multinomial logistic regression testing the effect of age, gender, number of year in vegetable production, position related to the dams, vegetable species richness, and village on the probability that a vegetable producer ranked a given source of dam siltation as the first source that affected dam water quality and crocodiles and contributed to dam siltation.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.5701723.v1 fatcat:ehpkt77dijgb3lsh2q5q7bu3am