Александр Николаевич Минай, Игорь Викторович Седых, Ирина Юрьевна Кузьмич
2019 Авіаційно-космічна техніка та технологія  
At the design of intakes of fuel tanks of launch vehicles in engineering practice, empirical and semi-empirical dependences are used for the determination of main parameters of the movement of liquid. However, the received from skilled data, empirical dependencies are applicable for a limited circle of tasks in which conditions (initial and boundary) are similar to for what these dependencies were received. Therefore, the calculated parameters of intakes it has to be validated by the results of
more » ... experimental working off. Experimental working off intakes at hydrodynamic stands is, as a rule, carried out on natural tanks and their large-scale models (skilled designs) in terrestrial conditions. For confirmation of similarity of hydrodynamic processes, experimental working off the large-scale models is carried out on several skilled designs of different scales and several model liquids. Now, with the development of computer facilities and numerical methods of the solution of the differential equations of the movement of liquid, there was an opportunity to replace almost universal use of empirical dependences with more exact computing experiment. It, in some cases, allows reducing the quantity of the used skilled designs, terms of carrying out experimental working off, and, as a result, material expenses. The article presents results of the experimental definition of the static hydraulic rest of a component of fuel in skilled designs of a tank of the first step of carrier rockets with the central selection of a component and numerical modeling on mathematical 3D and 2D models of skilled designs (similar scale) are considered. The authors developed the calculated and experimental method of verification of results of numerical modeling allowing them to conduct necessary researches with the demanded accuracy. The offered approach allows improving the existing traditional method of experimental working off of intakes, already at the initial stage of development to optimize their parameters, to reduce the volume of necessary experimental working off and to lower time and material expenditure on its carrying out.
doi:10.32620/aktt.2019.6.05 fatcat:kb54uszbazboplesz2f37hochu