Civic Engagement and Public Health Issues: Community Support for Breastfeeding Through Rhetoric and Health Communication Collaborations1

Rebecca A. Kuehl, Sara A. Mehltretter Drury, Jenn Anderson
2015 Communication Quarterly  
As the U.S. public faces a discursive climate characterized by incivility and partisanship, scholars have the opportunity to productively influence public discourse, especially the deliberations of leaders and other community members (Carcasson, 2011) . How might rhetorical studies of health improve their public position regarding civic engagement and community problem-solving? We argue that rhetorical studies of health can productively engage the public through scholars' participation in
more » ... orative community problem-solving and deliberation about public concerns. In working to improve the public significance of rhetorical studies of health, some important considerations include collaboration within and outside of the academy, the dual roles of the citizen-scholar, spheres of argument, and making public scholarship visible and valuable. Background The Brookings Supports Breastfeeding project is a case study for how to make rhetorical studies of health salient to the public. This project's goal was to create a public ISSN: 0146-3373 print/1746-4102 online
doi:10.1080/01463373.2015.1103598 fatcat:anztge6iwrgtxmrigty3owrskm