The National Policy-making Process in the Context of the International Economic and Financial Movements

Tatiana - Camelia Dogaru
2014 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
The international movements, known to our current society have a visible impact on national public policies. Therefore, a wise Government should implement a policy mechanism, which takes into account the involvement of various international actors on public arena. Romania by dint of European Commission, International Monetary Fund, World Bank through stand-by arrangement puts into practice a programme of measures that changed the view of public policy-making. The current paper reveals the
more » ... s of policy-making process under the involvement of international actors. From methodological view, and taking into consideration the theoretical and normative framework, the research is based on the matrix of interest factors, as well as on the reviews under the stand-by arrangements, achieving an analysis in a multi-actor context.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.535 fatcat:4oakotsvhbfydowdm5czf43wcu