Shielding Factors for Vehicles to Gamma Radiation from Activity Deposited on Structures and Ground Surfaces

Bente Lauridsen, Per Hedemann Jensen
1983 Health Physics  
This report describes a measuring procedure for the determination of shielding factors for vehicles passing through areas that have been contaminated by activity released to the atmosphere from a reactor accident. A simulated radiation field from fallout has been approximated by a point source that has been placed in a matrix around and above the vehicle. Modifying factors are discussed such as mutual shielding by nearby buildings and passengers. From measurements on different vehicles with and
more » ... without passengers shielding factors are recommended for ordinary cars and busses in both urban and open areas, and areas with single family houses. Instead of moving the source in the horizontal direction, the detector is placed along this direction at different points on the road on both sides of the source.
doi:10.1097/00004032-198312000-00002 pmid:6643071 fatcat:p2fdfurmn5bejitbdhbzqed4gi