The Effect and Application of Flow Induction Machine in Artificial Canal Way and Lake through Water Quality Model Test
수질모형실험을 통한 인공수로와 호수에서 흐름유발시설 효과검증 및 적용방법에 관한 연구

Gye-Woon Choi, Dong-Eon Kim, Geun-Ho Yoon, Man-Shin Han
2011 Journal of Korea Water Resources Association  
The objective of this study is to investigate the water pollution problems brought about by the construction of eco-friendly waterfront space through the physical model experiment including water quality consideration. Due to the lack of water supply into the artificial ponds and canals, the water quality problems such as eutrophication, odor and so on can be occurred. There have been many numerical models on such phenomena but limited studies using physical test due to the difficulty in the
more » ... ification of physical interpretation of the study area. In this study, a prototype model that is not affected by the dimensionless parameters was carried out, where unpolluted water is mixed into the contaminated water to reduce the concentration of nutrients. In addition, this study also attempt to find the optimal configuration of the flow induction machines using the scale model which will evaluate and verify the effectiveness of the enforcement methods to maintain the water quality objectives.
doi:10.3741/jkwra.2011.44.6.477 fatcat:4mu4difkp5ayfgptq2lrqd6vx4