Measurements of the Branching Fraction, CP Asymmetry And Isospin Asymmetry of the Radiative Penguin B0 ---> K*0 Gamma And a Search for the Decays B0 ---> Rho Gamma And B0 ---> Omega Gamma at BaBar [report]

Patrick Michael Spradlin, /UC, Santa Cruz
2006 unpublished
Measurements of the branching fraction, CP asymmetry and isospin asymmetry of the radiative penguin decay B 0 → K * 0 γ and a search for the decays B → ργ and B 0 → ωγ at BABAR by Patrick Michael Spradlin Radiative penguin decays of B mesons provide a fertile ground for precision tests of the Standard Model. Because such decays must proceed through 1-loop or higher processes in Standard 157
doi:10.2172/882408 fatcat:74xjarrfsrfl5kei2e6pbujul4