Imprinting analyses of the porcine GATM and PEG10 genes in placentas on days 75 and 90 of gestation

Quan-Yong Zhou, Jiang-Nan Huang, Yuan-Zhu Xiong, Shu-Hong Zhao
2007 Genes & Genetic Systems  
Imprinted genes are expressed monoallelically depending on their parental origin, and escape the Mendel's laws of heredity. They play important roles in the mammalian development, growth, and behavior. Placenta is a key tissue for the normal development and growth of fetus. It is also used to illuminate the evolution of genomic imprinting. In this study, we cloned the porcine GATM and PEG10 genes. Somatic cell hybrid panel (SCHP) and porcine radiation hybrid (IMpRH) panel were employed to
more » ... GATM and PEG10 genes to SSC1q12-21 and SSC9p13-21, respectively. By sequencing PCR products, we detected several cSNPs in the two genes. The BseLI (GATM) and TaqI (PEG10) polymorphisms were used to investigate the allele frequencies in different pig breeds and the imprinting status in porcine placentas on days 75 and 90 of gestation. The results showed that for the GATM BseLI polymorphism, the Yorkshire and Duroc pigs had higher allele frequencies at the G allele, whereas the local pigs had higher allele frequencies at the A allele. Expression and sequencing analyses showed that both alleles were expressed for the GATM gene, indicating the GATM was not imprinted in the porcine placentas on days 75 and 90 of gestation. The allele frequencies of TaqI polymorphism for PEG10 gene were significantly different in native Chinese Erhualian breed comparing to Yorkshire. PEG10 was monoallelically expressed, showing the PEG10 gene may be imprinted in porcine placentas on days 75 and 90 of gestation.
doi:10.1266/ggs.82.265 pmid:17660697 fatcat:bt7h5hi4zfawzmpgwdkiotauky