A Study on the East/West Station Keeping Planning Considering Wheel Off-Loading
휠오프로딩을 고려한 동서 위치유지 기동 계획 연구

2006 Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences  
Now, on developing COMS(Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite) has solar panel on the south panel only. Therefore, the wheel off-loading has to be performed periodically to reduce a induced momentum energy by a asymmetric solar panel. One of two East/West station keeping maneuver to correct simultaneously longitude and eccentricity, orbit corrections may be performed during one of the two wheel off-loading manoeuvres per day to get enough observation time for meteorological and
more » ... sensor. In this paper, we applied a linearized orbit maneuver equation to acquire maneuver time and delta-V. Nonlinear simulation for the station keeping is performed and compared with general station keeping strategy for fuel reduction.
doi:10.5139/jksas.2006.34.9.060 fatcat:bteogxrjqbhadia7fjblqz2hua